
[email protected] | +44 7597 606248 | Hive | Youtube | Instagram | Discord

Hello! Welcome!

you may have noticed, my website has gotten a pretty significant update! I have faced my fears of frameworks and learned Bootstrap! Why Bootstrap, you ask? well, I Chose Bootstrap because... it came preinstalled with Adobe Dreamweaver... Thats literally the only reason... But hey it works!

Anyway, i have been very busy, very long nights, developing this site, so i hope it actually does something... join my discord and tell me what you want me to do and tell me if you download any of my apps and stuff cos i have no way of tracking that other than bandwidth usage but thats not that useful.

My main project right now is this media converter based on FFMPEG. Fun fact, i actually used it to create the icon for the app! pretty meta hey? I'm going to continue to update it, i have very big plans for stuff it can do as well as just convert codecs so follow my Hive and stay tuned in for updates!

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Media Converter 0.0.5

Powered by FFMPEG, This Program can Convert Between almost any Image, Audio or Video Codec with one of the simplist possible UIs. 

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